Institute of Microbiology and Virology Riga Stradins University, Latvia
Bhupesh Prusty, PhD
Associate Professor
Topic: Understanding Human Existence through Viruses
The human body is host to many pathogens living a symbiotic life within our body. Understanding the molecular mechanism and strategies these pathogens use for their survival provides us a unique opportunity to understand our own existence.
Human herpesviruses are one such group of large double stranded DNA viruses. Herpesviruses establish lifelong latency upon primary infection in human. Human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) and HHV-7 establish latency by integrating into the host telomere, which is sometimes genetically inherited.
Productive virus reactivation is rare, but its clinical associations with diseases are well-recognized. HHV-6, like other herpesviruses, frequently undergo abortive reactivation where the virus life cycle is never completed. The pathological effects of abortive HHV-6 reactivation remain elusive.
Recently, in a groundbreaking study, we reported that the HHV-6-encoded miRNA, miR-aU14, exploits miRNA-mediated inhibition of miRNA processing as a so far unknown cellular mechanism to disrupt mitochondrial architecture, evade the induction of type I interferons, and facilitates virus reactivation.
We have established a new research group at RSU, Latvia focusing on developing systems biology-based approaches that allows us to understand complex host-pathogen interactions at single-cell to organoid levels. This talk will introduce the audience to some of our innovative experimental approaches that we develop and use within our group.
Understanding Human Existence through Viruses
Bhupesh Prusty, PhD (Riga Stradins University, Latvia)