Thermo Fisher Scientific
Agnieška Mackoit-Končiuvienė
Product Manager, Molecular Biology OEM and Commercial Supply
Topic: Master Protein Sample Prep: Techniques and Applications
The goal of protein sample preparation is to generate quality protein samples that maximize the chance of a successful downstream application.
This presentation provides information about how to select the best workflow based on sample type, protein characteristics and intended downstream application.
We will discuss how you can easily extract, clean up, and concentrate your proteins of interest with our kits, reagents, and devices. These products are optimized for a wide range of tissue and cell types and compatible with a broad range of protein purification resins and formats, which offer more choices and better protein recovery.
Join our seminar to master protein sample preparation. Learn essential clean-up methods and take your research to the next level.
Master Protein Sample Prep: Techniques and Applications
Agnieška Mackoit-Končiuvienė (Thermo Fisher)